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Applied Kinesiology is a system of manual muscle testing introduced in the 1960s by a chiropractor, Dr. George Goodheart. One of its basic principles is that there is a connection between specific muscles in the body and particular organs or glands. For example the pectoralis major muscles with the stomach. In practical terms this means that if there is a problem in the stomach , the pectoralis major may show strong weakness on a muscle test. Why is this important? Because it allows you to zero in on the cause of your symptoms and health problems. Let's say, for instance, you feel tired and stressed out all the time. Testing may reveal muscle weaknesses indicative of poorly functioning adrenal glands. Through change of diet the adrenals can be strengthened, resulting in increased energy and a calmer disposition. On the other hand, your chief complaint might be pain. If your low back hurts, for example, you can almost bet that you have one or more muscle imbalances which are throwing you out of alignment, resulting in painful symptoms. Muscle testing allows you to discover which muscles are not working properly. Knowing that muscle dysfunction is often caused by a problem in a corresponding organ or gland, you can provide therapy not only to the area of your pain but to the affected organ or gland as well. As soon as the associated organ or gland is working normally, the muscle begins to function normally too. Your alignment goes back to its proper position, and your pain goes away because you have found and eliminated its root cause. But let's say you've discovered that a muscle is weak due a corresponding organ weakness. How do you establish what's going to get both the organ and muscle to work properly again? Here too, Applied Kinesiology gives you the answer. Muscle tests will reveal the specific therapy needed to restore proper function to both the muscle and its associated organ or gland. Muscle and/or organ weakness can be caused by many factors: blood circulation, lymphatic drainage, acupuncture meridians, the spinal column, cranial bones, and emotional stress may be involved. Frequently there is a nutritional need which can be addressed through dietary change or supplementation or both. Applicational Kinesiology testing isolates the therapies your body knows will help it get better.
