Humanistic Neuro Linguistic Psychology is the creation of John Overdurf and Julie Silverthorn, distinguished international Master Trainers of HNLP and NLP. This energetic duo's background includes training with the originators of NLP, John Grinder and Richard Bandler and many major contributors in the field. HNLP is the psychology that enables you: to take control of your life, and positively experience success rapidly and with less pain than more traditional methods. It is truly an incredibly enjoyable and effective way to access more of the true potential of your mind. Let's take an inside look at "change". The successful outcome of all therapies occurs because they enable you to change "neural associations", or the associations implanted in your nervous system. Stated another way, every experience registers and is ingrained into the nervous system and is remembered whether you are conscious of it or not. Some experiences are "remembered" as painful such as in the experience of loss, loneliness, isolation and abandonment. During your sessions, the meaning of the problematic situation is changed and the pain eradicated. The painful event is now remembered for the positives and empowerment embedded within it. We refer to the moment the meaning of what had happened in your life changed as your breakthrough. In other words, your coach has facilitated change in your neuronal associations as well as your connection with the positive, empowering resources of your new meaning.